꿈을 실은 GLIMC 호는 새로운 도약과 푯대를 항해하기 위하여 닻을 올리고 뱃 고동은 울러 펴졌다.
이날 밤 지역사회 지도자들과 다민족 학생들이 자기 나라의 민속공연이 펼쳐지는 가운데 오랫만에 다민족 2세 회원 200여명이 즐겁게 하나가되는 모습을 보였다. 이제 우리 2세들이 지구촌을 향하여 미래의 꿈을 펄칠 수 있는 발판을 마련했다.
Time: October 26, 2012 @ 5 p.m.
Place: Korean Educational Center @ 680 Wilshire Pl Ste 200, Los Angeles, CA 90005
Sponsor: Global Leadership Institute Math Club
Contact: (323) 868-9191,(323)620-1647, (909) 993-3939, (909) 957-5711
People are our future. Education is what makes these people into valuable human resources. In a spirit of service and stewardship, Global Leadership Institute Math Club has begun its mission of free education in the small and neglected places around us. From excellence in math to educational volunteer work, our second-generation students have expanded the club to ten branches in the last five years and are planning to grow it into a nationwide service organization. Through their volunteering our children have lived out a culture of contribution to society. This culture, this spirit of service and stewardship, of consideration and sensitivity, is what will grow them into the leaders of tomorrow. And their strong foundation in science and information technology will strengthen America's global leadership in these fields.
So we're gathering those who've worked graciously, amid a tumult of environmental and economic change, to further our children's development, both physical and mental, for a little ceremony in their honor. If you'll favor us with your attendance and cheer on our children, this event will encourage them on to future success.
Thank you very much.
Moses Park, Bryan Hong, Elliott Kim, Jennifer Cho
September 26, 2012